High-performance computing (HPC) and cloud computing
We have extensive experience in using high-performance computing (HPC) applications as well as hardware. We can help you out to choose and configure your workstations and servers to fulfill your computational demanding applications.
If you choose to use open-source applications (e.g. OpenFOAM), we can guide you during the compilation as well as the installation process. We can provide training as well as software installation support.
If you are looking for on-demand HPC resources to run your computing-intensive applications for your computational requirement. We can instruct you to set up your cluster on the cloud platform. If you are looking for more computational resources (computing nodes and storage) at very affordable prices then there is an alternative source for your applications using the Amazon Compute Cloud platform. For more information, do not hesitate in contacting us.
RKSTS is a consulting organization providing services for individuals and companies having CFD simulations related problems in various fields .i.e turbomachinery, drones. At RKSTS, we quickly solve your problem after a thorough definition of your goals. We have a team of industry experts having years of international industrial and academic experience.